Matthew henry commentary on the book of psalm 119

Study psalm using matthew henry bible commentary complete to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. Psalms 119 commentary matthew henrys concise commentary on. I have found helpful insights in this book and i am always amazed at the ability of charles bridges to find many connections of each verse with other bible passages. Bible commentaries matthew henrys complete commentary on the bible current book. Study psalm 119 using matthew henry bible commentary complete to better. In matthew henry s account of the life and death of his father, philip henry, he says. Psalm 119, 4972 comme tary edited by gle pease zayin 49 remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. The book of psalms is in the third section of the hebrew bible, the khetuvim, and a book of the christian old testament. Psalm 119 bible commentary matthew henry concise christianity. Psalm chapter 119 matthew henry complete commentary on.

Those that would see the wondrous things of gods law and gospel, must beg him to give them understanding, by the light. Posts about matthew henry commentary online written by mrmatthewhenry. We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the old testament. These verses speak the language of a heart truly humbled under humbling providences, of a broken and contrite spirit under great afflictions, sent on purpose to awaken conscience and mortify corruption.

Read psalms 119 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible concise. Verses 118 the account the psalmist here gives of his troubles is very applicable to christ. Psalm 119 is the 119th psalm of the book of psalms, generally known in english by its first verse, in the king james version, blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the lord. Those that would see the wondrous things of gods law and gospel, must beg him to give them understanding, by the light of his spirit. In matthew henrys account of the life and death of his father, philip henry, he says. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading matthew henrys commentary on the whole bible book. A method for prayer the book of hours with my beloved. This psalm has something of david in it, but much more of christ. World wide study bible psalms 119 christian classics. If a person walks through the woods at night, he is well served to have a flashlight with him to shine it on the ground in front of him so that his feet do not trip over a snag in the path, or his shins do not encounter a boulder or fallen log.

Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible. Matthew henry the great 18 th century bible commentator was introduced to psalm 119 as a child. Psalms matthew henrys complete commentary on the whole bible. Happy are those who keep his decrees, who seek him with their whole heart, 3. Matthew henry commentary online a method for prayer. As far as our views, desires, and affections agree with what is here expressed, they come from the influences of the holy spirit, and no further. Gods word is a lamp, a light that illuminates the darkness. With practical observations, of the book of psalms psalm 1.

Geneva notes 1560 john gills commentary matthew henrys commentary treasury of. What did you love best about matthew henrys concise commentary on the whole bible, vol. It is referred to in hebrew by its opening words, ashrei temimei derech. Biblical commentary bible study psalm 119 exegesis. Psalms 119 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, filling six volumes, provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the bible. Those who saw christs day at so great a distance, saw cause to praise god for the prospect. The pardoning mercy of god in christ, is the only source of a sinners happiness. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the lord. The general scope and design of this psalm is to magnify the divine law, and make it honourable.

Some modern translations replace the last clause of psalm 119. Psalms 119 this is a psalm by itself, like none of the rest. Psalm 119 commentary old testament matthew henry st. Nothing can entice them to sin, nor can the sins of others cause them to fall as a fruit, the love of gods instructionpaying attention to and keeping his lawproduces peace, which is a wonderful, strong sense of wellbeing, stability, and confident. There is no title to this psalm, neither is any authors name mentioned. Psalms 119 commentary matthew henrys complete commentary. The scriptures show us what we were, what we are, and what we shall be. The first psalm of each book contains so to speak the heading and the last psalm of each book concludes with praises. As far as our views, desires, and affections agree with what is here expressed, they. Gods law, that grand expression and emanation of the holiness of gods nature, and pre. This document has been generated from xsl extensible stylesheet language source. Psalms overview matthew henrys complete commentary on the.

Then they made the book of psalms to sing in the new temple. Matthew henrys commentary on the whole biblebook of psalms. Psalm 119 praise of the word of god the longest psalm psalm 120 solemnity of the godfearing psalm. It is not making long prayers that christ censurers, but making them for a pretence, which intimates that they are in themselves good and commendable. But writing the commentary for this passage was a challenge due to the length of. Psalms 119 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. A method for prayer by matthew henry 1710 edition is free at scribd. Happy are all who search for god and always do his will, rejecting compromise with evil and walking only in his paths psalm 119. The excellence of holiness is represented as the imme diate object of a spiritual taste and delight. Spurgeon said that he often carried with him a small book of gods promises. And i think there is but one verse it is psalms 119. And the psalms are the language of the believers heart, whether mourning for sin, thirsting after god, or rejoicing in him. Every psalm either points directly to christ, in his person, his character, and offices.

Those that own the justice of god in their afflictions as david had done, psalms 119. Book of psalm matthew henrys bible commentary concise. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Christ, who is himself the way, and in whom we must walk as our way, has also shown us the same way that is here prescribed, mt. Book of psalm matthew henry bible commentary complete. Those that would see the wondrous things of gods law and gospel, must beg.

Psalms 119 commentary charles spurgeons treasury of david. I shall give thanks to you with uprightness of heart. Bibles, commentaries and anthology type books have no way to identify the books within the book. Book description a method for prayer the 1710 edition is the puritan writer matthew henrys world renowned christian classic. His father, philip henry, told his children to take one verse of psalm 119 every morning to meditate on, and thereby go through the entire psalm twice in the year. Matthew henrys commentary on the whole bible book of psalms kindle edition by henry, matthew.

Psalms 118 commentary matthew henrys concise commentary on. He can claim nothing as his due, but all his supports under his affliction must come from mere mercy and compassion to one in misery, one in want. This is a psalm of instruction concerning good and evil, setting before us life and death, the blessing and the curse, that we may take the right way which leads to happiness and avoid that which will certainly end in our misery and ruin. Commentary on the book of psalms by matthew henry old. If god deals in strict justice with us, we all perish. It is the lo gest psalm, and this is a sufficiently distinctive name for it. It is a biblebased prayerbook and was created as a bible companion and reference guide for daily devotions. Psalms 119 commentary matthew henrys concise commentary. Bar es, remember the word unto thy servant this commences a new division of the psalm, in which each verse begins with the hebrew letter zayin z answering to our z. Bible matthew henrys commentary psalm 119 psalm 119 matthew henrys commentary. Psalms 118 commentary matthew henrys concise commentary. The only reason i gave the book a 4 star rating is because of the chapter setup.

He had finished the old testament and covered the new testament through the book of acts at the time of his death, at the age of fiftytwo. My usual practice when writing the commentary for a biblical passage is to treat each verse or phrase individuallyalbeit with an introduction to help the reader appreciate the context. Friends later concluded the commentary project by consulting his notes, sermons, etc. In our youth our teacher called it davids pocket book, and we incline to the. Psalm 119 matthew henrys concise commentary on the bible. Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of god. Henry was born in 1662 to a clergyman, phillip henry.

Psalms overview matthew henrys complete commentary on. The psalmist declares his design in the first verses of the psalm, keeps his eye on it all along, and pursues it to the end. Nothing can entice them to sin, nor can the sins of others cause them to fall. David guzik commentary on psalm 119, which is the longest psalm and the. Those that would see the wondrous things of gods law and gospel must beg of. They show us the mercy and the justice of the lord, the joys of heaven, and the pains of hell. This psalm has a section for each letter of the hebrew alphabet, and each of the eight verses in each section begins with the hebrew lett. Psalm chapter 119 matthew henry concise commentary on.

It is a collection of 150 poems or songs by various authors and it is divided into five books similar to the pentateuch. It is probable that david penned this psalm when he was persecuted by saul. Those that would see the wondrous things of gods law and gospel, must beg him to. These verses speak the language of a heart truly humbled under humbling providences, of a broken and contrite spirit under great afflictions, sent on. Commentary for psalms 119 the general scope and design of this psalm is to magnify the divine law, and make it honourable. Those that own the justice of god in their afflictions as david had done, psalm 119. He spoke in tmcs chapel on monday morning to launch us out on our annual outreach week, focusing on psalm 119. Psalms 119 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available. Matthew henrys concise commentary on the bible by matthew henry. The wonders of redeeming love will fix the heart in adoration of them. Study psalm using matthew henry s bible commentary concise to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. The best comment on this is contained in our lords words matthew 15. Study psalm 119 using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to.

Some people think that 176 different people wrote one verse each. Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the l ord. Matthew henrys complete commentary online free at for sermon, bible study, and sunday school preparation. Resources matthew henrys commentary psalms chapter 119 verse 83.

Read psalms 119 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. The book of the psalms is probably the best known part of the old testament ot. Psalms 119 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. The scope of this short but excellent psalm is to show us the way to heaven, and to convince us that, if we would be happy, we must be holy and honest. A considerable portion of the sacred volume as the book of psalms and canticles in the old testament, and a large part of the several epistles in the new testament. Study the bible online using commentary on psalms 119 and more. Psalm 119 john gills commentary of the whole bible. I have realized over the years how blessed i am to gather together regularly with a christian college community and to hear sound, clear, passionate preaching. It begins with such expressions of devotion as may be applied to christ.

Once, pressing the study of the scriptures, he advised us to take a verse of this psalm every morning to meditate upon, and so go over the psalm twice in the year. Where needed, i include verses that the lectionary skipped. Matthew henrys commentary on the whole biblebook of. An exposition of psalm 119 by charles bridges new york. Matthew henrys concise commentary on the whole bible, vol. My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes. Digitized by erin bensing, 2007 gordon college, wenham, ma.

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